FMP Mentor/Mentee Pairing
At the request of a junior faculty, FMP can pair them with senior tenured faculty from outside their own department or college. An optimal pairing between faculty outside of one’s own focus can be enhanced when fields of interest are affiliated.
Mentees Benefits
- Information on the university community
- Guidance on handling departmental politics
- Developing research and service agendas
- Advancing and documenting assessment of teaching
- Guidance in publishing assistance in manuscript editing
- Composing the dossier for renewal, promotion and tenure
- Increasing contacts across disciplines and departments
- Sustaining collegial relationships and friendships
Mentor Benefits
- Association with young researchers on cutting-edge scholarship
- Links to others in related scholarly fields of study
- Future collaboration in scholarly work
- Junior faculty are energetic resources
- A good feeling that their experience is knowledgeable and useful in areas that are very difficult for others
- Future team-teaching with former mentee
- Future writing group can develop
- New teaching and learning methods from junior faculty
“Having a mentor was the best thing for my career”
Luke Skywalker
Junior Faculty
Hiring each new faculty into any department is an extensive commitment in resources—time, energy and financial. Once hired, every effort made towards professional development and retention of junior faculty serves the entire institution. FMP does not attempt to replace departmental collegiality and mentoring, but can supplement those through confidentiality and commitment, making incremental and critical differences for the individual faculty and ultimately for the entire university community.
At the request of a junior faculty, the FMP director with consultation with advisory board members, is paired with a senior tenured faculty from outside her or his own department or college. Criteria for pairing a Mentee with a Mentor are based on a brief questionnaire of preferences and interests of the Mentee. An optimal pairing between faculty outside of one’s own focus can be enhanced when fields of interest are affiliated; however, when that is not possible, highly successful pairings between faculty with varied fields are accomplished.
If you are interested in being a Mentee, please complete the form-fillable questionnaire linked here (pdf) and return it via email to
Junior Faculty are Eager for Mentors
Faculty Mentors supplement departmental collegiality and mentoring through confidentiality and commitment, making incremental and critical differences for individual faculty and for the entire university community.
The Mentor contacts the junior faculty to set up an initial first meeting to discuss informally the range of considerations of the junior faculty. If both Mentor and Mentee find the initial contact favorable, they develop an appropriate structure that will create for them a productive working relationship. If for any reason the initial contact reveals that the pairing may not function as hoped, the Mentee contacts FMP and reassess and arrange another option.
If you are tenured faculty at rank 4 or higher, please consider becoming a Mentor. Complete the form-fillable questionnaire linked here (pdf) and return it via email to