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What is the OFDAS Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP)?

The Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP) provides professional development support ​to new, junior and senior Mānoa faculty through:

  • FMP Dossier Library of successful dossiers from a range of faculty of varied classifications and department, available throughout the week and available to borrow over week-ends. Dossiers follow criteria for renewal, promotion and tenure, varying in styles of writing and presentation
  • Professional development events, including the FMP Summer Dossier Series with seminars and panels on the processes involved in successful professional achievement in academia, including panels of experienced DPC and TPRC members, Department Chairs, College and School Deans, and faculty who have successfully achieved promotion and tenure
  • Mentor/Mentee Pairing, at the request of a junior faculty, FMP can pair them with senior tenured faculty from outside their own department or college. An optimal and confidential pairing benefits both Mentee and Mentor
  • Mentees receive information on the Mānoa community, guidance on departmental processes, development of research and service agendas, advancing and documenting assessment of teaching, guidance in publishing, and advice on dossier preparation, as well as extending and sustaining collegial relations across campus
  • Mentors also receive benefits through association with young researchers on cutting-edge scholarship; potential future collaboration in scholarly work with energetic junior resources; possible future team-teaching with former Mentee; development of writing group members; and, new teaching practices from junior faculty.

Advisory Board

Teresa Bill
Project Coordinator
Bridge to Hope / Women’s Center

Jenifer Winter
Professor, Graduate Chair

Affiliate Faculty at the Faculty Mentoring Program are recognized based on their exemplar contributions to the field of teaching and learning for faculty and teaching assistants over an extended period of time. They help build a climate of collegiality at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa by shared expertise and knowledge with their colleagues through the professional development programs at the Office of Faculty Development and Academic Support. 

FMP Affiliate Faculty

Healani Chang

Associate Specialist

Maria Chun

Specialist and Associate Chair, Administration and Finance, Surgery

Ariana Eichelberger

Faculty Specialist & Instructional Designer

Antoinette “Konia” Freitas

Associate Specialist & Chair, Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies

Cynthia Franklin

Professor, English

Maya Saffery

Curriculum Specialist
Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language

Kiana Shiroma

Associate specialist and Director, Pre-Health/Pre-Law Advising Center

Robert Toonen

Research Professor
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology

Jenifer Winter

Professor, School of Communication and Information

Jonathan Young

Librarian, Hamilton Library, Science and Technology Reference

Open Monday–Friday
8:00 am–4:30 pm
Closed on weekends and state holidays.

Questions? Contact Us.